Tips On Selecting Mailing Tubes For Office Use

Industrial & Manufacturing Blog

​Mailing tubes are the product of choice when it comes to sending or packaging documents, letters, and large prints. Mailing tubes protect their contents much better than envelopes, and this makes them ideal for delicate documents that need to be transported or mailed. If shopping for mailing tubes for use at the office, this article will offer you some clues on how to go about choosing them.

The dimensions

Mailing tubes have fixed dimensions (except for self-adjusting tubes) that are quoted in either millimetres or centimetres. This is the first thing you should check on mailing tubes before purchase. Make sure that the dimensions fit the package you plan to fit inside. When rolled, your documents should fit within the diameter of the tube and the length of the roll should fit inside the length of the tube. Choose a tube that offers the most snug fit for your package. Small tubes might crumple your documents and larger tubes will allow unwanted movement while in transit.

The weight

If sending lots of mailing tubes via post or a courier service, the weight factors into the charges you pay. For this reason, do not go for the bulky tubes unless you're sending an equally heavy package. Heavier tubes will only inflate your mailing costs so stick to lighter tubes where applicable. You can tell which tubes are heavy and which are light simply by comparing different brands or by checking the product description.


Mailing tub​e​s come in different designs. Some are brown, some are white, others have patterns on them and others are clear (plastic). So which is ideal for your office applications? If using the tubes for your own storage use, the design choice is all up to you, and you can go with whatever you prefer. However, if mailing professional documents, go with plain tubes. If mailing gifts or packages to friends or family, you can choose patterned or multicoloured tubes for a more casual/personal touch.

After use

Lastly, consider what you plan to use the tube for later on before purchasing. If buying the tube for mailing purposes, this does not apply because you won't be left with the tube(s). However, if using for personal office use, ask yourself what you'll use it for after using it to deliver packages or other applications. Will you use it for storage or throw it away? If you intend to use it thereafter, consider what applications you can put it to and factor that as you consider all the factors above (size, design, weight, etc).

If you're not sure about the ideal size for your mailing tubes, remember it's better to end up with a tube that is slightly larger than what you need as opposed to one that is too small to use.


20 September 2016

Creating a Safe Environment: Industrial and Manufacturing Facilities

If you work in or run an industrial or manufacturing facility, safety is key. In this blog, we are going to talk a lot about safety. However, we are also going to veer into other aspects of these industries as well. There will be posts directed toward consumers, business owners, workers and many others. Before you start reading, let me introduce myself. My name is Steve. I used to volunteer at an animal refuge where I put together a lot of buildings and frequently visited sheet metal processing facilities, fence manufacturing companies and similar businesses. I was incredibly interested in what they did so I decided to create this blog. Thank you for reading.